Liste aller registrierten .TEAM Domains

Below you can find a list of all .team domains for download.

Wir haben Daten zu 89,966 Domains unter der .TEAM-Top-Level-Domain (gTLD) erfasst, von denen 53,609 als aktiv registriert identifiziert wurden. Offizielle Statistiken weisen insgesamt 53,663 registrierte .TEAM-Domains aus, womit diese Sammlung eine der vollständigsten öffentlich verfügbaren Domainlisten darstellt

Type Updated Number of Domains New Domains Today
All registered .TEAM domains March 13, 2025 53,609 51
All known .TEAM domains March 13, 2025 89,966 51
Detailed .TEAM domain list March 13, 2025 53,609 51

The standard list of registered .TEAM domains comprises one domain per line.

The complete list of all known .TEAM domains is available in CSV format with two fields: the first is the domain name, and the second is its status (free, registered, or deleted).

Detailed domain lists include the following CSV fields, when available:

We also provide custom crawling services should you require additional data beyond the standard information provided.

New Domains vs. Deleted Domains